• How is The Healing Mind App™ different from other apps?

    While other apps work in the sense that they often help you feel calmer, The Healing Mind App™ dives deeper into the subconscious mind, producing more radical results (better health, bigger paychecks, closer relationships). All while requiring nothing from you.

    We love the beauty in this truly passive modality because the last thing you need is another item on your already lengthy “to do” list.

  • How does “subconscious reprogramming” work?

    The key is understanding that your subconscious is not just a part of your mind—it is your energy body, encompassing all layers, including the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Our energy healing meditations and subliminals work directly with your subconscious, clearing and harmonizing these layers. By shifting the energy patterns within your subconscious, we can reprogram deep-seated beliefs and patterns. This holistic approach ensures that transformation occurs on every level, aligning your entire being with your true intentions and desires.

  • What are subliminals and how do they work?

    Subliminals are audio recordings that contain positive affirmations embedded just below the level of conscious awareness usually accompanied by beautiful music. By bypassing the conscious mind, these affirmations are absorbed directly by the subconscious, which is responsible for our beliefs, habits, and automatic behaviors. Over time, listening to subliminals can help reprogram limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, enabling you to manifest your desires more effectively. Regular and consistent use is key to achieving results.

  • What does The Healing Mind App™ include?

    You’ll have access to on-demand audios (ranging from 5 minutes to 1 hour), including:

    • Subliminal audios

    • Energy healing meditations

    • Sound healing sessions

    …all designed to get the results you want in your life – from tangible goals like lowering stress or increasing focus, to more abstract ones, like raising your energetic frequency.

  • How do I use The Healing Mind App™?

    Plug in your earbuds, pick an audio, and relax. That’s it. Some of our community members use the app while:

    • Relaxing in bed at night

    • First thing upon waking

    • While enjoying their morning coffee

    • While cooking dinner

    • In the sauna

    • On a walk

    • In the bathtub

    • On their lunch hour

    • While cleaning the house

    • While doing art

    • While at work

    • In bed before sleep

    Whatever energy you need in that moment – whether it’s grounding, confidence, creativity, focus, self-love – you can access it from anywhere with The Healing Mind App™.

  • Who is The Healing Mind App™ for?

    You’ll love this app if:

    • You want to meditate, but struggle to quiet your mind

    • You want to manifest, but you’re tired of trying so hard

    • You want more self-care, but you’re over complex morning routines

    • You want to heal, but you need something easy & quick

    • You’re into energy healing, but want something affordable

  • What are Tonal Transmissions™?

    Tonal Transmissions™ are unique to The Healing Mind App and Morgan’s work. These channeled energetic frequencies communicate directly with your subconscious mind, bypassing conscious understanding. They serve as a powerful tool for subconscious reprogramming and deep healing, offering a transformative experience unlike anything else. Learn more here.

  • How much does The Healing Mind App™ cost after my free trial ends?

    You’ll be billed $9.99/month.

  • What if I feel like The Healing Mind App™ isn’t right for me?

    We feel confident you’ll love the app as much as the thousands of people who’ve tried it! But if for any reason you don’t want to continue, simply cancel anytime by cancelling your subscription in your subscriptions section of your device You’ll have access to the app until the end of your billing cycle and you will not be billed the following month.